So, You're Devastated By The Election, Here's What You Can Do About It.

It's been two days since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, and I, for one, am devastated. I know what you're thinking — Yes, the man may be inexperienced, insensitive, bigoted, and worse. Yes, he may have risen to the top only through fraud and chicanery. Yes, he may make ill-conceived promises and use spurious logic to propel a broken agenda. However, even if this is all true, that is only part of the story. The deeper source of my devastation is not just the election of this man, but the violent reaction of the nation itself. Rioting, violence, intolerance, fear-mongering — all found throughout the country from members of both sides of the aisle. This, to me, is what is devastating. When 11 year old children spat slurs at each other; when college students use black face and Confederate flags to "support" this new administration; when a man (no matter how unconscionable) is burnt in effigy; when citizens are afraid to exercise their own freedoms; when there are calls for assassination of a human being — this is devastating.

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